TBF is a professional custom commercial truck body parts supplier and vehicle body fittings manufacturer.

How about credentials for truck door locks of TRUCK BODY FITTINGS?
A lot of international and national credentials are granted to truck door locks manufactured by TRUCK BODY FITTINGS CO., LTD.. Throughout the whole manufacturing process, we strictly adopt qualified raw materials and expertly utilize up-to-date machines to manufacture the products, thereby ensuring the product quality. Each of our products has passed performance tests and quality assurance tests, and meets qualification criteria stipulated in contracts, regulations, or standard specifications in the industry. If you ask for some paper documents, we can provide you with some relevant certifications with legal marks on them.
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With the massive advantage of high capacity, TRUCK BODY FITTINGS is expanding its production scale to meet the higher requirements for cargo bar series. TRUCK BODY FITTINGS's trailer door hinges is various in types and styles to meet the different needs of customers. TBF rain guards for trucks has been tested for quality. All its main components, including the gears, pistons, engines and other moving parts, are tested to meet our established standards. It is widely used in oil, transportation, auto, and other industries. Its premium quality highly meets international standard specifications. The center of the product is highly consistent.
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We will still comply with the idea of truck door locks to develop our company into TBF brand. Check now!

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