We've got our own QC operators responsible for carrying out quality tests conforming to the international standards. However, if customers ask for a third-party quality test for truck parts , we give our full support to satisfy your needs. The tested aspects are involved in products' technical specifications, measurements, the contents and formula of related raw materials, etc. The employees working for the third party engage in the whole spectrum of QC activities and are responsible for checking the quality. They can also provide quality reports for us and customers.
For years,
TRUCK BODY FITTINGS CO., LTD. has been advancing the development, design, and production of truck parts . We have been considered as one of the most competitive manufacturers. As one of TRUCK BODY FITTINGS's multiple product series, truck parts series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. The crystalline semiconductor and phosphor of TBF truck parts are treated under high temperature and high pressure and sealed with liquid boron oxide. This process is called liquid encapsulation the product. Having gone through the coating treatment, it has a smooth and thick surface. With proper care, the surface of this product will stay shiny and smooth for years without the need to ever seal, and polish. The product can be available in customized sizes.
We are always in full preparation serve our customers well for our truck parts . Please contact.